Base64 Decode

Base64 Decode

Converting Base64 Encoded Data Back to its Original Form


Base64 Decoding: Converting Base64 Encoded Data Back to its Original Form

Base64 decoding is the process of converting data encoded in Base64 format back to its original form. Base64 encoding is commonly used to represent binary data as ASCII characters, allowing it to be safely transmitted or stored in text-based formats.


How Does Base64 Decoding Work?

Base64 decoding reverses the process of Base64 encoding and converts the encoded data back to its original binary form. The decoding algorithm follows these steps:

  1. Take the Base64 encoded string and break it into groups of four characters.
  2. Convert each group of four Base64 characters into a 24-bit binary number.
  3. Split the 24-bit binary number into three 8-bit bytes.
  4. Convert each 8-bit byte into its corresponding ASCII character or binary representation.