Website Links Count Checker

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Website Links Count Checker

Website Links Count Checker Tool is a free SEO tool that counts the number of internal and external links with anchor texts. This free tool can be useful for link exchange purposes, as you should not exchange links with pages that have too many external links.

What is the use of website links count checker?

Do you want to know how many internal and external links point to your site or any specific page of your website? Check out this link count checker tool. You can use this seo tool for free to check the number of outbound and inbound links linked to a specific website page.

How to use website links count checker tool?

It is very easy to use this tool.

You will only have to type or copy and paste a URL into the checker's box, then click on the Submit button to find out the number of links leading to that specific page.

Benefits of using website links count checker

There are many benefits of using this amazing tool. You can use the Website Link Count Checker for many purposes, including

  • Check the external links that linked to pages on your website and also ensuring their quality.
  • As you may already know, it is not good for SEO to post excessive outbound links that have very low value.
  • The tool finds the total number of links on your website that lead to another page on the web.
  • If you have a website that allows your users to post their guest posta and leave links to other website pages, then this link count checker tool is good to use.
  • You can count the exact number of links present on your website, including outbound and inbound links.


The tool will also helps you determine the number of external links that could affect the quality of your website because some pages may have too many links to see rather than content that users are looking for. If you want to avoid the problem, use the link count checker to help you get all the details you need about the number of links pointing to a specific page.

It can also help you to remove bad links or get rid of unnecessary links from a specific website page after knowing all the information you need.

Now check the number of links on your website as well as their quality with this website link count checker.

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